Caldwell Nursery in Rosenberg, Texas is a short 25 minute drive from Houston out the Soutwest Freeway. Our specialty is plants suitable for the greater Houston / Rosenberg area, including bamboo, tropical and cold hardy fruit trees.

Fruit Trees in stock
- Citrus
- 3 gallon – $65 Arctic Frost, Orange Frost, Owari, Hamlin Orange, Blood Orange, Pummelo, Grapefruit, Dancy Tangerine, Rio Red Grapefruit, Key Lime, Nagami Kumquat, Persian Lime, Meyer Lemon
- 7 gallon – $145 Arctic Frost, Meiwa Kumquat
- Persimmon 7 gallon – $75 Chocolate, Coffee Cake, Fuyu, Hachiya, Tanenashi, Suruga
- Apples Ershimer, Anna, Pink Lady, Golden, Dorset, Ghost, Granny Smith
- Plums Methley, Santa Rosa, Burgundy, Beauty
- Pears Orient, Shinseiki, Hosui, Southern King
- Nectarine Double Delight, Panamint, Arctic Star, Snow Queen, Desert Dawn
- Cherries Compact, Stella
- Loquat Gold Nugget
- Almonds Dwarf Garden Prince, Mission
- Apricots Katy, Gold Kist
- Aprium Leah Cot
- Peaches Donut, Red Baron, Saturn, August Pride, Tropic Snow, Florida Prince, May Pride, Babcock, Eva’s Pride
- Jujubee 7 gallon – $125 Sugar Cane, Li, GA866, Shanxi Li
- Elderberry $45
- Pineapple Guava $45
- Walnuts 15 gallon – $95 Pedro, Placentia
- Pecans $125 Desirable, Stuart, Choctaw
- Mulberry – Pakistan $65, Dwarf Black $45
- Blackberry 3 gallon – $35
- Goji berry
- Grapes
- Pomegranate 5 gallon – $45
- Olives 7 gallon – $65
7 gallon – $65:
Caldwell Nursery new fall retail hours: Thurs. – Sat., 9am – 4pm
Starting July 2024, Imported Decor II will relocate to Caldwell Nursery featuring :
- Pottery
- Tile
- Cantera
- Seasonal Plants